An explosion of Miracles, signs and wonders is awaiting those who believe!

Experience the Glory Cloud and the Fire of God's Kingdom.

Fire Igniting Revival Encounter (F.I.R.E.) 12

With Mandarin Translation

Discipled by Pastors Susannah and James Leow

Organised by Revivalists of Christ’s Kingdom (R.O.C.K.) Ministry

Date & Time:

15 June 2024 @ 2pm-8pm

16 June 2024 @ 2pm-8pm

17 June 2024 @ 3pm-8pm


King of Glory Supernatural Church

Westlane Place, Level 2, Wisma Daju 5,

No. 21, Jalan Barat, 46200 Petaling Jaya,

Selangor, Malaysia.

Admission is free

For more information, contact 011 3347 7812 or 019 733 7365

Don’t fight your battle alone. There are battles that can only be uprooted through the cooperate anointing found in the gathering of the saints with one accord in one place! Don’t underestimate the FIRE 12 Conference, God has shown me in a prophetic vision that He is about to release the glory of God with an explosion of the Holy Fire.

There are 3 themes for the 3 days. On the first day, we want to equip you on how to enforce the covenant through the revelation of the Blood and Name of Jesus! I call this the game changer of the impossibilities as it is written in His word, He will turn your situations around even as you love on Him and fulfil His purposes in your lives! A life without purpose is useless!

On the second day, it’s going to be a very exciting moment for everyone when they discover the power of the prophetic. You are a prophetic generation and we are going to impart and activate you to move in the prophetic anointing. Enforcing the Fire Faith prophecy will make you a warrior man and woman of valour.

On the third day, we will bring heaven down with the worship of a glorious church. We will see the manifestation of the glory cloud and Fire. You will see signs and wonders. If you believe, great miracles will take place in your life through the miracle-working God! Come and rest under the majestic glory of God and be set free from every hardship you are facing. The angels are ready for this event as God Himself has released them with special orders to bring your breakthrough under the cloud of Glory and Fire. May God heal you even as He heal our nation.

2 Chronicles 7:14

14 if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

This is a prophetic message from pastor Susannah@Zana an apostle and prophet of God!