Pastor Susannah’s Call To Ministry


Pastor Susannah’s personal encounter with the lord

It was back in her early twenties when Pastor Susannah Ed Leow had a life-changing heavenly experience in her hometown of Port Dickson, where the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to her in a vision. In that Godly encounter, the decree she specifically received was, "Go now and proclaim the good news to the nations". This mandate was rather unique in its way of revelation. It was imparted through a short sequelized vision, communicated with many spiritual insights and filled with the powerful message of Jesus' call to salvation for a lost and dying world.

The vision was cast within a shimmering forest, where a beautiful mansion stood far behind. As Pastor Susannah walked between the lush jungle and the manor at the distant rear, she was met by the Lord Jesus. He stood there with a bright lamp in His hand. His appearance was one filled with overwhelming love and peace. Nothing in speech or expression could possibly describe the magnificent presence of our Lord. In unspoken words, He had a 'heart to heart' conversation with her in the spirit, thus affirming the words in John 4:24 which state "God is Spirit and those who worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth".

The Lord Jesus summoned her to go back and profess the gospel to all the people who were in the mansion and boldly declare that He loves them and is shortly coming to visit them in person. There was a sense of urgency in that message and knowing that the Master's work required haste, she sped to the house with fervent intensity. Upon reaching the villa, she saw it filled with 'broken people'- drug addicts, gangsters, satan-worshippers, the oppressed, suppressed, depressed, suicidals and people who truly needed heavenly intervention.

Pastor Susannah, filled with the power of the Holy Spirit began to declare that Jesus is coming to them shortly. While she was still speaking, everyone began to feel the Saviour's presence and His footsteps could be heard drawing closer to the house. The anticipation of the arrival of The Lord was that of splendour and awe, as there suddenly appeared the majestic sounds of heavenly melodies and the wondrous overwhelming feeling of unconditional love. These supernatural displays intensified as Jesus got closer.

As some people were looking for His appearance through the grand entrance of the front door, Jesus instead, in all humility and compassion walked towards the firmly shut back door right at the end of the house, where many of the marginalised and downtrodden people were inside sitting. There, Jesus knocked! In Revelation 3:20 it is written, "Behold, I Stand At The Door And Knock, If Anyone Hears My Voice, And Opens The Door, I Will Come In To Him, And Will Sup With Him, And He With Me".

In that vision, only Pastor Susannah had the authority to open the tightly-closed back door. As she approached to unlock it, the tenacious chief gangster of the house suddenly drew out a gun and sternly let out a warning not to unlock the door or he will start shooting. His eyes looked like they were filled with rage and almost seemed ready to 'pounce' if anyone dared to disobey him.

Although he appeared to be really menacing, in reality, he was actually filled with fear. Afraid on the inside of what was happening all around on the outside. Pastor Susannah however, was overcome by the all-encompassing presence of Jesus at the door and this drove out all fear of the thug's looming threats. She was supernaturally filled with courage and boldness in her spirit. 

The Lord then commanded her to open the door and she immediately obeyed, despite the impending danger. The Redeemer then gently walked in and His glory filled the house. Suddenly there appeared a heavenly throne, partially unseen and covered in thick clouds of Glory and the 'King of Kings' took His rightful seat. Everyone fell on their knees, in full reverence of their Creator whilst 'feeling wrapped' in a tender loving embrace of a Father.

They were overcome by a distinguished sense of 'warmth' and significantly felt 'lighter', knowing all their burdens were permanently lifted and cast away. Even the fearsome thug now trembled with conviction in the presence of the Lord God, as the gun fell off his hand. At that very moment, all of them instinctively knew that the love of Jesus was more than enough to fill their deepest void and that His blood can wash away every sin and blemish and make them pure and in right standing with God.

Many years later, the Lord Jesus once again spoke to Pastor Susannah where He reaffirmed her call to ministry, saying "He is the 'Rock' and He is Jehovah Shammah (The Lord is there)". Accurately, the ministry she had started with Pastor James about a decade back (2012) was called the R.O.C.K. Ministry, which was an acronym for Reflectors of Christ's Kingdom.

Additionally, when Apostle Guillermo Maldonado, Senior Pastor and founder of King Jesus International Ministry in the United States of America held a large outdoor healing and miracle conference in Malaysia in 2018, the Lord Jesus once again brought Pastor Susannah to remembrance that she has been called to 'open the door for many to enter’. It reconfirmed her previous ministerial mandate, which was to 'usher in souls in a dark and dying world into His kingdom of light and everlasting life'.

Later on, the Lord Jesus yet again reaffirmed His call when Apostle Maldonado ordained both Pastors James and Susannah in the year 2020 as Pastors in the Kingdom of God. The King of Glory Supernatural Church is also now under the mantle of the King Jesus International Ministry, United States.

Praise be the Name of Jesus for His mandate to His servants.