Pastor James’ Call Into Ministry
Pastor James’s journey into full-time ministry as a pastor with an apostolic and prophetic call can be summarised with just 3 words- 'No Turning Back'.
Not everything was 'rosy' from the beginning, though. In his 'boyhood' days, the path travelled by pastor James was one tinged with sadness and laced with bitterness and unforgiveness. Unlike many childhood stories of a happy, secure and mischievous life, Pastor James' formation years started off with a broken path no child would ever choose.
At the age of 2, he was given up for adoption by his family to his aunt. It was a heartbreaking moment for him because, in contrast to families who unwillingly chose to put up their children for adoption, either due to poverty or the loss of both parents, his case was far detached from any such reasons. He couldn't help himself but be 'torn from the inside' by the actions of his family, whom he felt should have given him a sense of belonging. Growing up without a mother's love and a father's care was just too heavy of a burden for anyone to bear, let alone a child. Over the years thereon, he developed a lot of bitterness and pent-up anger, tripled with unforgiveness at the thought of abandonment by the ones who were supposed to love him.
Despite being born a catholic and raised as one in his adoptive parents' home, Pastor James never really had a personal relationship with God nor a revelation of who Jesus is. Then one day, at the age of 19, he attended a prayer and healing conference with his friends. He had no outlook on what to expect from this meeting, as his irregular days of church attendance did not cast any spiritual assertions of any sort.
However, unperceived by Pastor James, the Lord Jesus already conceived a good plan and righteously fashioned this opportune time to usher him into His Kingdom. The speaker at the conference that day said, "The Holy Spirit is here today. He will fill you with power. Your body will sway with His in-filling but do not fear- You will not be hurt or injured".
He further went on to encourage the attendees to yield to the Spirit of God. Pastor James, half believing in the preacher's words, then challenged God. "If You are real and alive, prove yourself now", was what he said right before the preacher laid his hands upon him. At that exact moment, the Holy Spirit filled him and he flew back about 6 feet from where he was standing.
True to the speaker's words, he was unhurt. As he was 'slain under the heavenly anointing, Pastor James experienced something like no other, his heart was being filled with an overwhelming love, which was beyond understanding. It was at that very moment he knew God had 'met him' in the Spirit and there was no turning back from that point onwards. This experience led to an acceleration of the spiritual call on his life. This beautiful encounter also 'broke the chains' of anger, bitterness, rejection, loneliness, hurt and sadness from his past. He was then freely able to forgive his parents and love them with unconditional love, which only Christ can bring. This affirms Jesus’ promise in the Bible, written in John 8:36, "Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.”
Moving forward, Pastor James received a vision from the Lord Jesus Christ during his college days. It depicted a scene from Calvary and Jesus carrying the cross for the sins of the world and the salvation of mankind. He then broke out with the song 'Lord I Lift Your Name On High'. Jesus also gave him a message in that vision asking, "Are you willing to take up your cross and follow Me?” Sometime later, he also had a short dream, among others, in which he 'saw' and heard the mighty rushing wind of the Holy Spirit moving from the back to the front. The Spirit of the Lord then descended and God showed Pastor James a glimpse of the future, where he saw himself preaching to thousands of people a night in many Christian crusades around the world.
After this, with much prayer and equipping himself with the Word of the Lord, pastor James started devoting his time to kingdom work. While actively involved in ministry, he met pastor Susannah, who is now a pastor and his wife. It was a unique experience where Pastor James loved God and the Lord in turn brought Pastor Susannah, who equally loved the Lord and they served Him in the same ministry. They eventually fell in love and their hearts are now beautifully bound and intertwined by their love for their saviour and for each other. After about almost two decades of blissful matrimony, they are now blessed with four beautiful children. Indeed, "So they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate.” (Matthew 19:6).