Apostles of Christ
A journey of obedience to God’s Call
All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose -Romans 8:28
This Biblical promise cannot be more accurate in describing how the Lord Jesus Christ weaved together a master plan in calling and commissioning the work of His ministry through the lives of Pastors Susannah Ed Leow and James Leow.
This couple's spiritual journey was heavenly destined individually through various circumstances which date back to their teenage years. Unbeknownst to them, the myriad of events was a perfect 'set-up' for God's power to show up rather splendidly.
Pastor James's early life was wrought with many crushing trials and tribulations, yet it was solely by the grace of God that God used these extraordinary circumstances to thrust pastor James into his predestined purpose as an Apostle within the Fivefold ministry. Like clay in the hands of the 'potter’, the Lord Jesus transformed a broken and bitter boy into a mighty man of valour, filled with the love of God.
It was also during this period, in the 1990s that the Lord God began to separately prepare Pastor Susannah Ed Leow for the work of His Kingdom. Though her early life was also filled with great distress and torments, when God’s love touched her, she responded with great reverence for God and surrendered her life to the purpose of God. Pastor Susannah had many experiences with the Lord Jesus Christ through dreams, visions, personal encounters and a supernatural 'out of body’ experience. It was during her early twenties and beyond that, her call into full-time ministry became clearer, as evidenced by her obedience in submitting to the will of God. She first began in humble settings, faithfully serving as a youth and young adult leader in her church. Although it was within a denomination which did not ascribe much to the mighty movement of the Holy Spirit, it was in that very place where the Lord brought revival, with many signs and wonders similar to Biblical times.
In the settings of church ministry, was where Pastors James and Susannah first met. Their fervent zeal for kingdom work saw them grow from youth leaders who organised weekly prayer meetings, seminars, conferences and spiritual retreats, to anointed ordained pastors, called to go out into unchartered territories outside the bounds of their local congregations. Whilst ministering together, God also destined for them both to be united in the sanctity of marriage and to powerfully serve Him in one accord through their specific and joint callings in their lives. The mandate to collectively serve as husband and wife is also to complement and synchronise the different individual giftings which were separately bestowed on them and to concertedly and authoritatively establish God's dominion here on earth. A double portion of anointing is manifested whenever they minister side by side and they now travel locally to many different places to bring forth revival to the nation.
The ministry pastors Susannah and James started off with was named Reflectors of Christ Kingdom (R.O.C.K.), now known as Remnants of Christ Kingdom (R.O.C.K) which gave birth to the yearly ongoing Fire Igniting Revival Encounter (F.I.R.E.) Conference and to the glory of God F.I.R.E. Conference is now well into its 10th year since it first started. Other conferences include the Prophetic, Healing & Deliverance Conference (PHDC) and most recently, Prophetic Women Conference which was prophesied by Prophet Glenda.
In 2018, under the leading of The Holy Spirit, Pastors James and Susannah started a Spirit-filled prophetic church called King of Glory Supernatural Church (KOGSC). It was a transparent direction after Pastor Susannah received a message from the Lord to leave the traditional church they were in.
Although faced with many oppositions and brickbats from their previous religious denominational institution, including friends and family, they nevertheless chose to only follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Today, by the power of the Lord Jesus Christ, the church has grown exceptionally covering churches in Kenya and Uganda. By God's grace and through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, many lives have been transformed by the sick being made well, the oppressed set free, the demonically possessed delivered and the prophetic direction in the lives of individuals called forth. A myriad of other people has also experienced breakthroughs of various kinds, where their situations were once stagnant.
In an acceleration of heavenly proportions, the Lord opened the door for Pastors Susannah and James to be connected to Apostle Guillermo Maldonado, Founder and Senior Pastor of King Jesus International Ministry, situated in Miami, Florida in the United States of America. Then on February 07, 2020, Apostle Maldonado ordained both pastor James and Susannah as Pastors. King of Glory Supernatural Church (KOGSC) is now under the mantle and covering of King Jesus International Ministry, U.S.A.
Today, KOGSC stands as an apostolic and prophetic, spirit-filled, remnant church well positioned for the end times. It is a spiritual lighthouse in dark territories to usher in many 'wearied souls' into the kingdom of God. As both pastors continue to mightily serve God, they believe the outpouring of the Holy Spirit will manifest in greater measure and will draw many souls to the salvation of Jesus Christ, especially during the accelerated times of the last days.