Matthew 6:21
"For where your treasure is, there also will be your heart."
Are you sure the treasure of your heart is the Kingdom of God? To know what is the real treasure of your heart is to see how you prioritize your relationship with God. Do you miss your spiritual food which is the word of God for the sake of fulfilling your worldly agendas? I know this is something we speak about often but let's get real today and face the number one enemy of our life, the flesh! Paul said in Romans 7:15:
I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.
Beloved the treasure of our hearts should be the seeking first of the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness. See Matthew 6:33.
Jesus said the Kingdom of Heaven is so precious in the eyes of the finder. So much so when he finds it, he will hide it in the field he found it and joyfully sell everything he has, just to buy that field. Matthew 13:44.
The Kingdom of Heaven is also like a precious pearl. To find it you have to have the heart of a merchant who appreciates this precious pearl. That merchant knew the great value of that fine pearl, so much so he sells everything he has, just to buy that one precious pearl! See Matthew 13:45-46.
Jesus also spoke about seeking His righteousness. The evidence that shows that the righteousness of God is the treasure of our hearts, is in the decisions that we make concerning His Kingdom especially when we have to deal with the worldly affairs that will be a hindrance to make God at the centre of our lives.
If we truly appreciate and understand the depth of the Sacrificial love of Jesus in His finished work on the cross, surely the treasure of our hearts will be to do His will. We will dare to pray with full of gratitude, "Not my will but Your will be done O Lord"
We will be willing to do whatever it takes to satisfy God's heart.
Prepared by the prophetic grace of God,
Pastor Susannah Edward
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