Epilepsy has no hold on me

At 10 years old, I had frequent seizures and was diagnosed with epilepsy. Since then, I was sentenced to a lifetime of medication. In 2009, I had the biggest hit of seizure attacks causing me to lose consciousness. I had attacks four hourly and the pain was unbearable. I was paralysed by sickness with no control over my body. But God had a greater plan. After years of searching, I was introduced to R.O.C.K ministry. Healing took place gradually and progressively. Abba Father's love touched me, reminding me of who I am and who I have: JESUS CHRIST who is, who was and who is to come. Hearing the Word of God and the message of Grace gave me hope and the freedom to live as the daughter of the Most High God. Now I can boldly declare God is my miracle worker and He triumphed over my sickness. It has been 10 beautiful years free from any episodes of seizures

Testimony by Krystal Goh

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